Test21's Socket Products are application specific
Our innovative interface solutions are unique and effective in solving everyday's challenges. Improve electrical performance, lowering overall cost. Do more for less.
Optimizer™ Sockets
Highly customizable but better...
Pogo-pin (high speed, high current, Kelvin and combo)
Conductive Silicone Elastomer (ultra low L & R)
Low profile LPDDR/Flash (on-board)
SuperSocket (multi-device)
Legacy Support
Impedance controlled socket
50Ohm Impedance Controlled Pogo
WashBoard® Epad for Outstanding Low-Inductance EPAD Stability
Tougher than reliable!
Burn-in/Reliability Socket
Reusable, Economical, High performance.
Fully Customizable
Quick Turnaround
Yukon Sockets
Bring out the best in temperature testing
Excellent thermal performance
Maximized performance thru customization.
Fully compatible with Test21's thermal management products.
Thermal Solutions
Hot and cold and everything in between
Just add Yukon Lid for -40°C to +135°C
For Automotive or Accelerated Reliability, +175°C is only a Heater away.
Perfectly integrated with complete line of Test21 socket products.
Fully compatible with third party sockets.